5 Reasons Singles Need Life Insurance, Too

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Life insurance is something only married people need, right? As with so many personal finance questions, the answer to this one is – it depends.
There are several reasons you might want to purchase life insurance even when you’re single, though you may need less coverage than someone who wants to provide for a surviving spouse or children. That’s because there may be other family members or loved ones who could be affected financially in the event of your death.
Many single people are now pondering buying life insurance, given that more adult Americans today are single than are married and that the median age at first marriages has never been higher. Young adults today are also waiting longer to buy homes or have children, milestones typically associated with the purchase of life insurance.

Life insurers are actively reaching out to millennials (who are more likely to be single) by making their offerings more web- and mobile-friendly and by marketing their policies in unexpected places like Wal-Mart and Costco. 
Many consumers get a basic life policy through work, which could cover the needs of a single person without dependents. Remember, though, that if you leave your job, your coverage doesn’t come with you.
Here are five reasons to consider purchasing a policy, even if you’re not married
1. It’s cheaper to buy a policy when you’re young and healthy. Not every young person needs life insurance – and if you haven’t yet established an emergency fund or you’re still living on your parents’ couch, buying life insurance certainly shouldn’t be a top priority. If, however, you’re making the maximum contribution to your retirement fund and have six months of expenses stashed in a savings account, you may want to consider buying a policy.

Waiting to get coverage until you’re married or have children could make a policy much more costly. A $500,000, 30-year term policy for a healthy, non-smoking male in Chicago costs about $35 per month. The same policy for a 45-year-old runs more than $60 per month, according to calculations by Term4Sale.com.
Another reason not to wait: The older you get, the more likely you are to contract a chronic health condition, which could push up your life insurance premiums or make you ineligible for coverage at all. Buying a policy now will lock in coverage while you’re still in good health and qualify for the best rates.
2. You’ve got co-signed loans or are worried about funeral costs. If your parents (or other family member or friend) co-signed a student loan or a mortgage with you, they’ll be fully on the hook for the amount owed in the event of your passing. In addition to debt, burial costs can also be expensive – the average funeral costs more than $7,000 – and it can set back loved ones without a significant amount of savings.
If your funeral or your debts will be a significant financial hardship for someone else, consider getting a low-cost policy to cover those expenses – a 10-year term policy naming that person as the beneficiary could take care of such expenses. With unemployment still stubbornly high and most Americans with dangerously low savings accounts, the last burden a grieving family member needs is a loan company hounding him or her for payments.

Waiting to get coverage until you’re married or have children could make a policy much more costly. A $500,000, 30-year term policy for a healthy, non-smoking male in Chicago costs about $35 per month. The same policy for a 45-year-old runs more than $60 per month, according to calculations by Term4Sale.com.
Another reason not to wait: The older you get, the more likely you are to contract a chronic health condition, which could push up your life insurance premiums or make you ineligible for coverage at all. Buying a policy now will lock in coverage while you’re still in good health and qualify for the best rates.
2. You’ve got co-signed loans or are worried about funeral costs. If your parents (or other family member or friend) co-signed a student loan or a mortgage with you, they’ll be fully on the hook for the amount owed in the event of your passing. In addition to debt, burial costs can also be expensive – the average funeral costs more than $7,000 – and it can set back loved ones without a significant amount of savings.
If your funeral or your debts will be a significant financial hardship for someone else, consider getting a low-cost policy to cover those expenses – a 10-year term policy naming that person as the beneficiary could take care of such expenses. With unemployment still stubbornly high and most Americans with dangerously low savings accounts, the last burden a grieving family member needs is a loan company hounding him or her for payments.


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